Tax optimization
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$350 - $400
· 4.82 reviews
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Joerg 5 · Apr 2023
I was very happy with the service. I've got all the answers I needed. 5 stars from me.
Rima 4.5 · Apr 2023
Stef was patient enough to listen to all my queries and provided resolution in a timely manner. I would recommend his services
Users ask this questions about this service.
Belgium doesn't apply the well-known 183-day rule and will take a more factual approach. If your official address is registered in Belgium, the Belgian tax authorities will deem you to be a tax resident. Furthermore, if it could be established that your centre of living is situated, you will also be deemed a Belgian tax resident. Thus, it is important to assess all facts.
Belgian tax returns follow the calendar year. If you are a tax resident of Belgium, your tax return should be filed by early November of the assessment year (i.e. the next calendar year).
If you are working in Belgium you could be liable to personal income taxes (and social security contributions) in Belgium. Furthermore, if you own real estate in Belgium, you are also obliged to file a tax return if you surpass a certain threshold.
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