Advisory about the type of business to incorporate in Serbia
Filling assistance to open a business in Serbia
Price breakdown for all categories of services.
$50 - $150
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Due to its suitability for the majority of various business operations, a limited liability corporation (LLC) is the form that customers opt for most frequently.
You can apply as a founder, a firm member, a managing director, with or without creating an employment agreement, as well as an entrepreneur, for temporary residency in Serbia.
If your entire yearly turnover is less than 8,000,000 RSD, then no, you don't.
If you do not compute VAT for the sale of goods and services, you do not have the right to deduct prior taxes, you are not required to keep the records required by the VAT Law, and you are not permitted to indicate VAT in invoices.
You may elect to pay VAT if your revenue is less than 8,000,000 RSD, nevertheless.
Therefore, when your annual sales is less than 8,000,000 RSD, this is an option rather than a requirement.
Not at all, no.
You can create a bank account without traveling to Serbia by providing the paperwork that the bank needs and giving the Serbian attorney the power of attorney necessary to operate on your behalf and in your account.
The establishment of the company will take between three and five business days from the time the registration request for the opening of a company in Serbia is submitted.
Not at all, no.
For instance, the cost to create a business is 4,900 RSD (40 EUR), whereas the cost to register a corporation online is 4,500 RSD. The registration and publication price for the Founding Act is 1,000 RSD (less than 10 EUR). It is required to pay the 1,000 RSD registration cost and the charge for publishing the memorandum of association when forming a firm (less than 10 EUR).
The SBRA charges 4,900 RSD for opening a branch or representative office for a foreign legal entity (40 EUR).
The corporation always issues shares in RSD (Serbian dinar).
According to the law governing foreign exchange transactions, capital payments may be paid in foreign currencies. The dinar countervalue of shares is determined using the National Bank of Serbia's day-of-deposit median exchange rate.
Entrepreneurs may also register online with the Serbian Business Registers Agency. Even while it is feasible to create single- and multi-member LLCs, doing so is more difficult than creating an entrepreneurial business.
The biggest benefit is that you may pay lump sum taxes as an entrepreneur regardless of the size of your business or the amount of money you make (up to a certain amount).
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