Full Services
Job Seeker Portugal Full assistance
Price breakdown for all categories of services.
$1250 - $2000
Users ask this questions about this service.
Consultation calls can be rescheduled but will not be refunded unless agreed.
All governments do not refund any application fees, so these are not refundable.
There are no Refunds for Visa Applications as the visa decision depends on the Immigration office and not by the agency.
There are no qualifications and experiences requested. This Visa can be applied by anyone who's seeking a Job in Portugal.
No. Portuguese territory only.
The visa holder can only be able to enter Portuguese territory once, so it will not be possible to travel abroad during the initial 120 days or the remaining 60 days if an extension is requested.
Yes, if the candidate cannot sign an employment contract within the first available deadline of 120 days, so it can be extended to 60 more days.
Applicants can only invite the family members under family reunification program once the applicant successfully finds a Job and applies for a residence permit in the country. The Family reunification procedure only starts as soon as the applicant receives the residence permit card.
Yes. After completing 5 consecutive years in Portugal, the applicant may request the Permanente residence permit as well the citizenship.
Yes, as long as the applicant is employed and working under the social security conditions. Same applies for the applicant's family members if they are on family reunification scheme.
Yes. They must attend full time school in Portugal.
Verified by Visadb
Visadb.io is trusted and funded by European Union, UNWTO, CORFO, MITEF and other organizations. Read more about us here.
No platform fee
Visadb is free for all users and we charge experts a fee.
Verified & Licenced Experts
We select high-reputation Experts, conduct video-interviews and verify their businesses.
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