Advisory services
Business advisory services
Full relocation services
Registrations with Authorities
Price breakdown for all categories of services.
Users ask this questions about this service.
All governments do not refund any application fees, so these are not refundable.
Ask your Expert about their full refund policy.
We have been offering this service since 2017 and since then we helped more that 300 families relocate in Cyprus.
The cost includes every cost of service fees and registrations. What is not included, is private and social incurance, and other personal expenses.
Most services can be completed within 3 months. Nondom registration can take up to 8 months.
Yes we do with an additional cost.
Yes we do. Advice is free and if you would like us to escort you to the bank, we can do so for an additional cost.
Yes we do. We remain available to support assist with many local needs you might have.
Verified by Visadb
Speaks:English is trusted and funded by European Union, UNWTO, CORFO, MITEF and other organizations. Read more about us here.
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