Rentista Visa - For Retirees

Cost of Living
Talent Migration


Retirees and pensioners who receive a state or private pension or other benefits (for example a disability pension) of at least US$ 1000 per month or the equivalent in any other currency can apply for a permanent residency in Peru called Rentista Visa. For each dependent (such as a spouse) who should be included in the visa, the proof of an additional US$ 500 is required.

Note: You are not allowed to work or receive a remuneration for any kind of professional activity in Peru when living in the country on a Rentista Visa.

Please check with your nearest consulate if you need to enter Peru and then apply for this visa.



Lifelong Month(s)



60 Month(s)



35 (approx.)


P. Residency

1 Month(s)


Processing time

4-8 weeks




What are eligibility requirements for the Rentista Visa - For Retirees?

7 Eligibility Requirements

  • You must have an income of min. US$ 1000 per month or the equivalent in any other currency, from outside source as pension. An addition of US$ 500, each dependent added.
  • You must be willing to stay indefinitely without any remuneration activity in Peru.
  • You must declare police certificates.
  • You must share the details of the foreign source, from which money enters to Peru.
  • You must have a valid passport.
  • You must enter Peru legally (example: on a tourist visa), in case you applying in Peru for this visa.
  • Additional requirements might be present on case basis.

Which documents do I need to apply for the Rentista Visa - For Retirees?

12 Document Required

  • Application form F-007, filled and signed.
  • Receipt from the Banco de la Nacion (code 01814) for paid application fee.
  • Passport and copy of the pages with the personal information and entry stamp (as applicable).
  • Sworn statement not to record criminal, judicial and police records at national and international level.
  • Letter from your pension fund or social security stating that you receive a monthly income of at least US $1,000 or the equivalent in any other currency, with an apostille from the respective public institution in the country of origin (or has to be legalized by a Peruvian consulate abroad and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Peru).
  • Letter issued by a notary in Peru stating that you wish to apply for a rentista visa, confirming that you can fulfill the requirements and don't intend to work.
  • Interpol clearance - Ficha de canje internacional (as applicable).
  • In the case of income from a national source, a document certifying the beneficiary's perception.
  • Affidavit that the money enters the country through a banking institution in case of income from a foreign source.
  • Proof of an additional income US $500.00 for each family member or dependent.
  • Appointment letter copy.
  • All documents that are in a foreign language must be translated into Spanish by a Collegiate Translator.

Talent Migration data for Peru

Talent gain & drain map of 2015-2019 data. Sourced from World Bank Digital Development Data.

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