Visa Tech is an initiative that seeks to streamline the process of obtaining a work visa in order to make it easier for local and overseas companies in the technology services sector and enterprises related to Start-Up Chile to hire professional and specialized technical personnel who are not available in the country.
Who can apply :
Any foreign professional or technician in the areas of science and technology or with proven experience in innovation, whether located in Chile or overseas, can apply for this visa when hired by a technology services company that holds a letter of invitation and/or a certificate of sponsorship from InvestChile (in the case of foreign companies), from Start-Up Chile (if the company is associated with this program) or the Undersecretariat of Economy (in the case of local companies).
The application process for a Visa Tech Chile
In the case of a foreign citizen already in Chile, companies interested in accessing the Visa Tech system through InvestChile should submit a request for a Certificate of Sponsorship.
If the potential employee is not in Chile, the company should request a Personalized Letter of Invitation for Business Purposes, which will permit the potential employee’s early entry into Chile in order to complete the hiring process there, and then apply for the Work Visa.
1 Year (approx.)
48 Month(s)
85 (approx.)
P. Residency
12 Month(s)
Processing time
15 days Month(s)
4 Eligibility Requirements
5 Document Required
Talent gain & drain map of 2015-2019 data. Sourced from World Bank Digital Development Data.
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