Non-EU national who wants to run a startup in Estonia can apply for an Estonia startup visa. To be eligible for a startup visa you must have a technology-based, innovative and scalable business. Your business model is expected to pack global growth potential.
To run your startup in Estonia, you have two options:
1. If you don't yet have an Estonian company, you can apply for a long-term startup visa (up to 12 months) or a short-term visa (up to 3 months)
2. If you you've already set up an Estonian company, you can apply for either a startup visa (both short-term or long-term) or a temporary residence permit for startup business (up to five years).
This Startup Visa helps non-EU founders grow their startup in Estonia, one of the world's best places to start and run a company. It also makes it easy for Estonian startups to hire non-EU talent.
You can bring your spouse and kids along.
The processing time normally takes 3 to 4 weeks.
12 Month(s)
96 Month(s)
P. Residency
60 Month(s)
Processing time
3 to 4 week (s)
5 Eligibility Requirements
9 Document Required
Talent gain & drain map of 2015-2019 data. Sourced from World Bank Digital Development Data.
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