Highly qualified foreigners willing to work and reside in Russia can apply for a High Skilled Work Visa, where the salary requirements should be more than 2 million rubles per year.
A job offer needs to be secured from the Russian employer prior to the application. Additional details on this visa will be guided to you by the employer.
The processing time for a Work visa may take from 8-10 weeks from the application day.
You can bring your spouse and kids with you.
The general application process is :
Get the employment letter or Work contract from the employer in Russia.
Prepare your visa application and gather other required documents for it.
Apply for a Highly skilled Work Visa and prepare to move to Russia.
36 month(s)
72 Month(s)
243 USD (approx.)
P. Residency
12 Month(s)
Processing time
min. 8 week(s)
6 Eligibility Requirements
8 Document Required
Talent gain & drain map of 2015-2019 data. Sourced from World Bank Digital Development Data.
Disclaimer: Visadb.io is a FREE visa database and Immigration Expert Marketplace. The information displayed in this page is not legal advice. Please speak to an Expert before applying.
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