The applicant has to buy units of at least €2,0 million from alternative investment funds (AIF) established in the Republic of Cyprus, licensed and supervised by the CySec and whose investments are made exclusively in the Republic of Cyprus, in investments that meet the criteria of this Scheme or in areas approved by the Minister of Finance. In order to confirm that the investments that meet the criteria of the current Scheme will be kept for at least three years, the manager or the auditor of the Fund shall inform in writing and on an annual basis, the Ministries of Finance and Interior with reference to the value of the initial investment.
The purchase of financial assets of Cypriot companies or organizations of at least €2,0 million, such as bonds, bills and securities, issued with the approval of the CySec, by companies that have proven physical presence and substantial economic activity in the Republic of Cyprus, and have as a purpose the financing of the investment plans of these companies or organizations exclusively in Cyprus, based on an investment plan, fall under this criterion.
It is noted that the purchase by an AIF of units of other AIFs is not considered eligible.
Lifelong Month(s)
2 Month(s)
80 approx.
P. Residency
1 Month(s)
Processing time
12 weeks
Very Low
5 Eligibility Requirements
12 Document Required
Talent gain & drain map of 2015-2019 data. Sourced from World Bank Digital Development Data.
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