Property Development Scheme (Investment within 500,000 USD)

Cost of Living
Talent Migration


The Property Development Scheme (PDS) allows for the development of a mix of apartments for sale to non-citizens, citizens and members of the Mauritian diaspora.

The Property Development Scheme is a property investment program for foreigners. Buyers (with spouse and children) with a PDS of $500,000 are eligible for permanent residence for up to 10 years. The decision depends on the amount of investment.

The program provides for the development of luxury residential units, quality spaces, top-notch leisure and social facilities, etc.

How can I apply for the Property Development Scheme in Mauritius? 

Initially, each buyer must submit a formal application to the Board of Investment (BOI) in Port Louis, to acquire a property under the PDS scheme. All requests to obtain must be accompanied by information and documents based on the official guidance of the council.



120 months max.



24 Month(s)


P. Residency

1 Month(s)


Processing time

4 weeks




What are eligibility requirements for the Property Development Scheme (Investment within 500,000 USD)?

8 Eligibility Requirements

  • You can be a citizen of Mauritius, a non-citizen or a member of the Mauritian Diaspora; or
  • A company incorporated or registered under the Companies Act; or
  • A société, where its deed of formation is deposited with the Registrar of Companies; or
  • A limited partnership under the Limited Partnerships Act; or
  • A trust, where the trusteeship services are provided by a qualified trustee; or
  • A foundation under the Foundations Act.
  • You must have a Detailed business plan containing of Background of promoters/shareholders, Project components and description, Marketing plan, Work programme and implementation schedule, Detailed financial structure of project, Capital structure.
  • You must obtain the approval letter from EDB (Economic development Board).

Which documents do I need to apply for the Property Development Scheme (Investment within 500,000 USD)?

9 Document Required

  • The duly completed and signed application form must be submitted.
  • Certificate of Incorporation together with the register of shareholders.
  • A Board resolution nominating ‘the director’ who will act on behalf of the PDS Company.
  • Detailed business plan containing: Background of promoters and investors, Project components and description,Proposed date of start of construction, Marketing plans, Detailed financial structure of project (projected cash flow, annual income statement, selling price).
  • Site/location plan by sworn land surveyor and context plan as per Outline Scheme.
  • Detailed master plan for the whole project – A document that describes, with a map, the overall development concept.
  • Title Deed of the present land owner in case the promoter is bringing land as “apport en capital” in the project.
  • Valuation report of the subject property (prepared by a chartered land valuer) where the project shall be implemented.
  • Documents showing proof of funds - A bank confirmation or a letter of arrangement that demonstrates that the investor has the ability and funds available for the project.

Talent Migration data for Mauritius

Talent gain & drain map of 2015-2019 data. Sourced from World Bank Digital Development Data.

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